Create a structure course with some attributes i.e course_ID, course_title, credit_hrs etc.. Then Implement following 5 functions (Known as CRUDS operations which means CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, SEARCH operations):
1. addAStudent
2. updateAStudent
3. deleteAStudent
4. searchAndDisplayAStudent
5. displayAllstudents
After that, create an array of 5 courses in main function. Create a menu in main function to enable user to select and perform the operations we created above. Program must not exit until and unless user wants to do so.
struct Course
void addAStudent(string sname)
void updateAStudent(int sID,string sname)
students[sID] = sname;
void deleteAStudent(int sID)
students.erase(students.begin() + sID);
void searchAndDisplayAStudent(int sID)
cin >> sID;
cout << students[sID] << endl;
void displayAllstudents()
for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++)
cout << students[i] << endl;
int course_ID;
string cousre_title;
int credit_hrs;
vector<string> students;
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