There are several types of room in a hotel. The HotelRoom Class of Previous Programming Problem was not specific regarding the type of room. Assume that a hotel has guest rooms and meeting rooms. Modify the HotelRoom class as follows: remove the capacity and status instance variables and associated methods. Change the class constructor, copy constructor, and destructor accordingly. Derive from Hotel Room the classes Guestroom and Meeting Room. Guestroom contains the following data members: the integer instance variable capacity, which represents the maximum number of guests that can occupy the room; the integer instance variable status, which represents the number of guests in the room (0 if unoccupied); and the integer instance variable days, which represents the number of days the guest occupies the room. Meeting Room has the integer instance variable seats, which represents the number of seats in the room, and the integer instance variable status (1 if the room is booked for a meeting; 0 otherwise). Code all appropriate constructors, copy constructors and destructors for the classes. Code a function main () to test the classes. Make sure to create object of all types.
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