create a program that will ask the user to give a number for the divided and the divisor and then program will compute and display the quotient and its remainder on the screen
// quotient.cpp
// Author: Mr jake R. pomperada, BSCS, MAED- IT
// Date: august 14, 2018 Tuesday
// Location: Bacolod City, Negros occidental
// Website:
using namespace std;
create a program that will ask the user to give a number for the divided and
the divisor and then program will compute and display the quotient and its remainder on the screen
// quotient.cpp
// Author: Mr jake R. pomperada, BSCS, MAED- IT
// Date: august 14, 2018 Tuesday
// Location: Bacolod City, Negros occidental
// Website:
int main()
int num,divisor;
cout<<"\n\tEnter a number: "; cin>>num;
cout<<"\n\tEnter divisor : "; cin>>divisor;
cout<<"\n\n\tQuotient : "<<num/divisor;
cout<<"\n\n\tRemainder: "<<num%divisor;
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