I need to write 2 functions for the program but I am not able to. I've checked online and read as much as I can but I still am not understanding.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//This program will load an integer array with random numbers
//and ask the user for a number to search for
//Will tell the user if the number is found or not
bool findIt(int* start, int* bigNumber, int value);
// look for the value starting at start and going to end
// return true if found else false
void randomizeIt(int* start, int arraySize, int bigNumber);
//fill the array starting with start for length number
// of integers with random numbers between 1 and MaxNumber
int main(){
//define variables
bool keepGoing = true;
const int arraySize = 10;
const int bigNumber = 100;
int myArray[arraySize];
int userValue = -1; //0=quit, -1=randomize
srand(time(0)); //seed random number generator
do{ //start loop
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