Write a program in C++ that prompt a user to input his/her yearly gross income. Your program should display the yearly income and the computed tax due, using the table below. (BIR proposed the following Tax computation, with the following Tax Schedule) 0% on income less than 50000; 15% on income from 50000 to 150000; 25% on income from 150001 to 250000; 35% on income over 250000.
using namespace std;
Write a program in C++ that prompt a user to input his/her yearly gross income.
Your program should display the yearly income and the computed tax due, using the table below.
(BIR proposed the following Tax computation, with the following Tax Schedule)
0% on income less than 50000;
15% on income from 50000 to 150000;
25% on income from 150001 to 250000;
35% on income over 250000.
int main()
float GrossSalary,Tax;
cout<<"\n\tEnter Yearly Gross Salary: "; cin>>GrossSalary;
if(GrossSalary<50000) Tax = 0;
if(GrossSalary>=50000 && GrossSalary<=150000) Tax = (150000-GrossSalary)*0.15;
if(GrossSalary>150000 && GrossSalary<=250000) Tax = (250000-GrossSalary)*0.25;
if(GrossSalary>=250000) Tax = GrossSalary*0.35;
cout<<"\n\tTax = "<<Tax;
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