A palindrome is a string, which when read in both forward and backward ways is the same.
Example: lol, pop, radar, madam, etc.
To check if a string is a palindrome or not, a string needs to be compared with the reverse of
Demonstrate these two functions in a program that performs the following steps:
1. The user is asked to enter a string.
2. The program displays the following menu:
A) Display the reverse of the string
B) Check the string is palindrome or not
C) Exit the program
3. The program performs the operation selected by the user and repeats until the user
selects E to exit the program.
Enter a string : madam
Please enter a choice according to menu:
A) Display the reverse of the string
B) Check the string is palindrome or not
C) Exit the program
Please enter choice: A
The reverse of the string is : madam
Please enter choice: B
Madam is palindrome
Please enter choice: E
Terminate the program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string reverse(string inputString){
string reverseString="";
for(int j=inputString.length()-1;j>=0;j--){
return reverseString;
bool isPalindrome(string inputString){
int main() {
string inputString;
cout<<"Enter a String: ";
char option=' ';
cout<<"Please enter a choice according to menu:\n";
cout<<"A) Display the reverse of the string\n";
cout<<"B) Check the string is palindrome or not\n";
cout<<"E) Exit the program\n";
cout<<"Please enter choice: ";
if(option=='A' || option=='a'){
cout<<"The reverse of the string is: "<<reverse(inputString)<<"\n";
}else if(option=='B' || option=='b'){
cout<<inputString<<" is palindrome\n";
cout<<inputString<<" is NOT palindrome\n";
}else if(option=='E' || option=='e'){
cout<<"Wrong menu item\n\n";
}while(option!='E' && option!='e');
cout<<"Terminate the program\n\n";
return 0;
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