At a particular point in a structural member a two dimensional stress system exists where sigma x=60N/mm^2 sigma y=-40N/mm^2 and shear stress (xy) =50N/mm^2 if young's modulus =200000N/mm^2 and poisson's ratio =0.3 calculate the direct strain in the x and y directions and the shear strain at the point.
using namespace std;
int main()
float sigmaX=60;
float sigmaY=-40;
float shearStress=50;
float YungMod=200000;
float poisRatio=0.3;
float dirStrainX=1/YungMod*(sigmaX-poisRatio*sigmaY);
float dirStrainY=1/YungMod*(sigmaY-poisRatio*sigmaX);
float G=YungMod/(2*(1+poisRatio));
float shearStrain=shearStress/G;
cout<<"Direct strain in the x direction is "<<dirStrainX;
cout<<"\nDirect strain in the y direction is "<<dirStrainY;
cout<<"\nShear strain at the point is "<<shearStrain;
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