Provide a program showing the implementation of Hashtable. The size of the hashtable should be 10.
Add the following numbers
11, 62, 46, 38, 29 66
Search and delete 11
Remove the collision
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct HashNode {
int key;
int value;
const int capacity = 20;
int size = 0;
struct HashNode** arr;
struct HashNode* dummy;
// Function to add key value pair
void insert(int key, int V)
struct HashNode* temp
= (struct HashNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct HashNode));
temp->key = key;
temp->value = V;
// Apply hash function to find
// index for given key
int hashIndex = key % capacity;
// Find next free space
while (arr[hashIndex] != NULL
&& arr[hashIndex]->key != key
&& arr[hashIndex]->key != -1) {
hashIndex %= capacity;
// If new node to be inserted
// increase the current size
if (arr[hashIndex] == NULL
|| arr[hashIndex]->key == -1)
arr[hashIndex] = temp;
// Function to delete a key value pair
int delete_key (int key)
// Apply hash function to find
// index for given key
int hashIndex = key % capacity;
// Finding the node with given
// key
while (arr[hashIndex] != NULL) {
// if node found
if (arr[hashIndex]->key == key) {
// Insert dummy node here
// for further use
arr[hashIndex] = dummy;
// Reduce size
// Return the value of the key
return 1;
hashIndex %= capacity;
// If not found return null
return 0;
// Function to search the value
// for a given key
int find(int key)
// Apply hash function to find
// index for given key
int hashIndex = (key % capacity);
int counter = 0;
// Find the node with given key
while (arr[hashIndex] != NULL) {
int counter = 0;
// If counter is greater than
// capacity
if (counter++ > capacity)
// If node found return its
// value
if (arr[hashIndex]->key == key)
return arr[hashIndex]->value;
hashIndex %= capacity;
// If not found return
// -1
return -1;
// Driver Code
int main()
// Space allocation
arr = (struct HashNode**)malloc(sizeof(struct HashNode*)
* capacity);
// Assign NULL initially
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
arr[i] = NULL;
= (struct HashNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct HashNode));
dummy->key = -1;
dummy->value = -1;
insert(11, 62);
insert(46, 38);
insert(29, 66);
if (find(11) != -1)
cout << " Value of Key 11 = " << find(11) << endl;
cout << "Key 11 does not exists\n" ;
if (delete_key (11))
cout << " Node value of key 11 is deleted "
else {
cout << "Key does not exists\n";
if (find(11) != -1)
cout << "Value of Key 11 = \n" << find(11) << endl;
cout << " Key 11 does not exists\n";
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