Write a menu driven program with the following requirements:
a) It deals with a point1 which has the following attributes; the x-coordinate
and the y-coordinate, the point2 which has the following attributes; the
x-coordinate and the y-coordinate-name, the point3 which has the
following attributes; the x-coordinate-name and the y-coordinate-name.
b) The menu communicates with the following functions:
i. The function that accepts as many point1s as possible and store them
in an array. N.B. Make your array global so that it is accessible globally in
your program.
ii. Overload the function on i. above so that it caters for point2s and
point3s as well.
iii. The function that allows the swapping of details of any 2 point2s in the
array. The positions of the 2 point2s must be known.
iv. The function that searches for a certain point3 in the array. Incorporate
this appropriately in the menu.
v. The function that extends the name of the point2 at any position given.
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