Write an application program to calculate the total price for customer for a package of vacation using selection structure. The output must have customer name,number of children, number of adult, transportation, accommodation, and total price. Info 1 = destination:pulau redang,transportation: child=15,adult=30,accommodation:95per day. Info 2=Destination :pulau perhentian, transportation:child=20,adult=30,accommodation:100perday. Info 3=Destination:pulau kapas,transportation,child=10,adult=20,accommodation=120per day.
They will give some discount to a group of customer with is:
a) 10% will be given for a group that has at least 5 adult
b) 25% will be given for the group that has more than 5 person(adults and children)
c) 30% will be given to a group that has at least 15 person.
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