Develop a c++ menu driven application to keep track of physical human intellectual and financial resources for department of computer science. When app starts, it must display a list of all possible operations one can perform. Use user-defined data type to cater for each resource
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
class Bank {
string name, address;
char acc_type;
float amount;
void create_account();
void deposit_money();
void withdraw_money();
void show_account();
void Bank::create_account()
name = "Aman Jhurani";
cout << "Enter your full name: "
<< name << endl;
address = "Hello";
cout << "Address: "
<< address << endl;
acc_type = 'S';
cout << "What type of account you want"
<< " to open saving(S) or Current(C): "
<< acc_type << endl;
amount = 8000;
cout << "Enter How much money you want to deposit: "
<< amount << endl;
cout << "Account Created Successfully";
void Bank::deposit_money()
int Amount;
Amount = 9500;
cout << "Enter how much money"
<< " you want to deposit: "
<< Amount << endl;
amount += Amount;
cout << "\n Available amount: "
<< amount;
void Bank::show_account()
cout << "Name: " << name << endl
<< "Address: " << address << endl
<< "Type: " << acc_type << endl
<< "amount: " << amount << endl
<< endl;
void Bank::withdraw_money()
float amount;
amount = 3200;
cout << "Enter how much money "
<< "you want to withdraw: "
<< amount << endl;
amount -= amount;
cout << "\n Available amount: "
<< amount;
int main()
int option;
Bank client;
cout << "\n1) Open account \n\n";
cout << "\n------------------------"
<< "-------------------------\n";
cout << "\n2) Deposit account \n\n";
cout << "\n------------------------"
<< "-------------------------\n";
cout << "\n2) Withdraw money \n\n";
cout << "\n------------------------"
<< "-------------------------\n";
cout << "\n4) Display Account \n\n";
cout << "\n------------------------"
<< "-------------------------\n";
return 0;
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