CIN 531 Foundation of Programming
Case Study
A Northern Airlines has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservation system. You have been asked to build the new Application using C++. The company has a single airplane (capacity 20 seats) that performs two flights per day: flight number FL600 at 10:00 and FL620 at 16:00 respectively. You are to write a program to assign seats on each flight of the airline.
First, your program should read from the keyboard the current time and display the following menu of alternatives if there are still flights during that day (i.e. the menu is displayed only if it's is not 15:30 yet, as all bookings should be done at least 30 minutes before the flight)
1. for "First Class"
2. for "Business Class"
3. for "Economy Class.
If entered time is 15:30 or more, the following message should be displayed:
"Sorry, it's too late to make any booking today! Please, come back tomorrow"
Once the menu displayed, if the airline agent types 1, your program should display the flights
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