Write a C++ program that will: 5.1 Accept student’s information into three parallel arrays. The capture of the students’ marks must be a sentinel-controlled mark that is below zero for either the continuous assessment (term) mark or the final mark. Use a sentinel-controlled loop that will exit when the user types in the word ’Done’ instead of a student’s name. For each mark, use a function: int validateData(string,int) that receives a message to be displayed to the user in case the mark is not acceptable, and also the captured mark. Marks can only be between 0 and 100.
using namespace std;
Write a C++ program that will:
5.1 Accept student’s information into three parallel arrays.
The capture of the students’ marks must be a sentinel-controlled mark that is below zero for either
the continuous assessment (term) mark or the final mark. Use a sentinel-controlled loop that will
exit when the user types in the word ’Done’ instead of a student’s name. For each mark, use a function:
int validateData(string,int) that receives a message to be displayed to the user in case the mark is not acceptable,
and also the captured mark. Marks can only be between 0 and 100.
#define NO_OF_STUDENTS 100
int FlagName=1,FlagMarks_1=0,FlagMarks_2=0,Flag=1;
void validateData(string s, int m, int n)
if(s=="done") FlagName=0;
if(m<0 || m>100) FlagMarks_1=0; else FlagMarks_1=1;
if(n<0 || n>100) FlagMarks_2=0; else FlagMarks_2=1;
int main()
int n=0,m;
string Name[NO_OF_STUDENTS];
string s="";
int Marks_1[NO_OF_STUDENTS],Marks_2[NO_OF_STUDENTS];
FlagName==1 && FlagMarks_1==0 && FlagMarks_2==0;
while(FlagName==1 && FlagMarks_1==0 && FlagMarks_2==0)
cout<<"Student ID = "<<n+1<<"\tName: "; cin>>Name[n];
cout<<"\Enter Term Marks-1 (0-100): "; cin>>Marks_1[n];
cout<<"\Enter Term Marks-2 (0-100): "; cin>>Marks_2[n];
cout<<"\nName: "<<Name[m]<<"\tTerm Marks: "<<Marks_1[m]<<"\tFinal Marks: "<<Marks_2[m];
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