QUESTION: Implement this program by using User-defined functions
Write a program that prints the day number of the year, given the date in the form month-day-year. For example, if the input is 1-1-2006, the day number is 1; if the input is 12-25-2006, the day number is 359. The program should check for a leap year. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100. For example, 1992 and 2008 are divisible by 4, but not by 100. A year that is divisible by 100 is a leap year if it is also divisible by 400. For example, 1600 and 2000 are divisible by 400. However, 1800 is not a leap year because 1800 is not divisible by 400.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool isLeapYear(int year);
bool isLeapYear(int year)
if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0))
((year % 100 == 0) &&(year % 400 == 0));
cout << year << " is a leap year";
return true;
return false;
int main ()
int day, month, year, dayNumber;
char ch;
cout << "\n\n\tEnter a date(mm-dd-yyyy) : ";
cin >> month;
cin >> ch;
cin >> day;
cin >> ch;
cin >> year;
dayNumber = 0;
if ((month >= 1 && month <= 12) && (day >=1 && day <= 31))
while (month > 1 && month <= 12)
switch (month - 1)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12:
dayNumber += 31;
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
dayNumber += 30;
case 2:
dayNumber += 28;
if (isLeapYear(year))
else {
cout << "Enter Correct month or day";
return 0;
dayNumber += day;
cout << "\n\n\tThe day number is " << dayNumber;
return 0;
Enter a date(mm-dd-yyyy) : 12-25-2006
2006 is a leap year The day number is 360
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