Write a program to simulate a part of the control logic for a departmental photocopier. There can be multiple (n) users of the system and only one administrator. Your program should present a menu:
C)reat new user
On creation, each user is assigned an account type and an id, a number within range from 0-n. Only Administrator can assign account type. Each user is linked to a copy account, either the master account or one of ten project accounts. That linkage is maintained by the administrator, and it can change as users work on different projects. For user, display the menu:
R)equest photocopies
M)ain menu
In case of request photocopies, prompt for the number of copies and increment the appropriate account. For associations display project ids to which user is linked to. In both cases user should return to the main menu. For an administrator, show this menu: B)alance
M)ain menu
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Employee
int id;
string accountType;
Employee(int, string)
this->accountType = accountType;
this->id = id;
Employee() {}
int getId()
return this->id;
string getAccountType()
return this->accountType;
int main()
Employee users[100];
int i = 0;
while (true)
char choice;
cout << "(C)reate new user\n";
cout << "(A)dminstrator\n";
cout << "(U)ser\n";
cout << "(Q)uit\n";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'C')
string typee;
int id;
cin >> typee >> id;
Employee foo = Employee(id, typee);
users[i] = foo;
else if (choice == 'Q')
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