The government’s quest to fight COVID-19 has led to the establishment of a PPE production factory in the Greater Accra region. The factory is classified as a high risk working environment and the workers are paid an hourly rate of GHs 30 for regular hours per week and any extra hours are paid one and one-half times that. From the worker’s gross pay, 6% is withheld for social security. 7% is withheld for tax and 3% is held for union dues. If the worker has dependents, the government pay 5.5% of the weekly wage per dependent up to 3 dependents into an insurance account. Write a program that will:
a) request for the number of hours worked in a week, and the number of dependents.
b) compute the weekly wage, social security, tax and dependents insurance (if any).
c) display and explain your results in “b” above.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double salary, grossPay, tax;
cin >> salary;
grossPay = salary * grossPay / 100;
tax = salary * tax / 100;
cout << "Tax: " << tax << ' ' << "Gross Pay: " << grossPay << '\n';
return 0;
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