Create and Implement a C++ program to make a class box. Set values of its data members i.e.
length, width and breadth using constructor. Make member function to display the volume of
box. Use operator overloading to add, subtract, multiply and divide the data members (using
objects in main) length, breadth and width. Show volume of each overloaded operator’s
object. Write a driver program to test your class.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Box
double len;
double wid;
double H;
double volume()
return len * wid * H;
int main()
Box box1 = { 80.0, 50.0, 40.0 };
Box box2 = box1;
Box box21 = box1;
Box box22 = box1;
box2.len *= 1.1;
box2.wid *= 1.1;
box2.H *= 1.1;
box21.len += 1.1;
box21.wid += 1.1;
box21.H += 1.1;
box22.len -= 1.1;
box22.wid -= 1.1;
box22.H -=1.1;
cout <<"Length : " <<box2.len <<endl;
cout<<"Width : " <<box2.wid <<endl;
cout<<"Height : "<<box2.H<<endl;
cout << "Volume of Box object is " << box2.volume()<< endl;
cout << "Multiplication of Box object is " << box2.volume()<< endl;
cout << "sum of Box object is " << box21.volume()<< endl;
cout << "Subtraction of Box object is " << box22.volume()<< endl;
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