1. Create a class called MyString. Within this class, you are to implement, from scratch, two versions of each of the string concat functions (strcat, strncat) and string comparison functions (strcmp, strncmp) functions discussed in class. This does not mean using the existing functions strcpy, strncpy etc. that have already been written and implemented in the <cstring> class. Instead, it means you are responsible for writing each of these functions as if they never existed. You are then to build a driver program that constructs a MyString object and then uses it to execute each of the functions you wrote. Since there are two versions of each function that you will build, make sure that one version is done using array subscripting and the second uses pointers and pointer arithmetic. Array subscripting means that you will treat everything in your code like an array (use brackets instead of the asterisk) whereas pointer arithmetic means everything will be treated as a pointer (you will use the asterisk in
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