Make a program that will compute the quiz,online laboratory,exam scores of the students. The program will input scores for quiz, online laboratory, exam rating. Display also the scores equivalent and if the scores of the students is greater than 75 then remarks will be passed otherwise failed loose and selection and repetion structures. Use these formula.
Enter your full name:
Enter your year and section
Input quiz: score and items
Quiz 1: score and item
11 11
Quiz 2: score and item
10 15
Quiz 3: score and item
10 20
Quiz 10% = 10
Input online laboratory activities: score and items
Lab 1: score and item
15 15
Lab 2: score and item
10 20
Lab 3: score and item
7 20
Lab 30%=30
Input exam: score and items
Exam 1: score and items
20 50
Exam 2: score and items
40 50
Exam 3: score and items
35 50
Exam 1: 20%
Exam 2: 20%
Exam 3: 20%
Final grade = quiz + online laboratory + exam 1 + exam 2 + exam 3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s,m;
int a,b,y,l,n;
cout<<"Enter your full name:";
cout<<"Enter your year and section:\n";
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){
cout<<"quiz"<<i<<": score and item\n";
cout<<"Input online laboratory activities: score and items\n";
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){
cout<<"Lab"<<i<<": score and item \n";
cout<<"Input exam: score and items\n";
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){
cout<<"Exam"<<i<<": score and item\n";
int total=y+a+l;
cout<<s<<", total score is: "<<total;
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