Write a program that prompts the user for number of students to process. The program will allow the user to enter the name of student and then it will ask for the number of marks for that student. The program will then prompt for each score and will calculate the average mark for each student. Make sure a structure ‘Student’ is defined. Use a function that prompts the user for the name of the student and number of test scores for that student. It stores the data into an array of type Student* and then returns that array. Use numTests[ ] array as an output parameter to store the number of tests for each student. This will then be passed to the display function. This function display marks and calculates the average for each student.
Sample Run:
Enter number of students: 1
Enter student 1 name: Jenny
Enter number of marks for Jenny: 2
Enter mark 1: 99
Enter mark 2: 88
Student 1: Jenny
Marks: 99 88
Average for Jenny is: 93.5%
using namespace std;
struct Student{
string name;
int marks[5];
int main(){
cout<<"Enter the name of the student:\n";
string name;
cout<<"Enter the number of marks:\n";
int n;
Student stu[n];
int sum = 0 ;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
cout<<"Enter mark "<<(i+1)<<": ";
sum += stu[i].marks[0];
cout<<"Average is: "<<sum/n<<endl;
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