Write a program to create a class called STUDENT with data members Roll
Number, Name and Age. Using inheritance, create the classes
UGSTUDENT and PGSTUDENT having fields a semester, fees and
stipend. Enter the data for at least 5 students. Find the average age for all
UG and PG students separately.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Student
Student(int rn, string nm, unsigned ag) :
rollNumber{ rn },
name{ nm },
age{ ag }
Student() {};
int rollNumber;
string name;
unsigned age;
class UgStudent : public Student
UgStudent(int rn, string nm, unsigned ag, string sm,double st,double fs)
: Student(rn,nm,ag),
UgStudent() {};
string semestr;
double stipend;
double fees;
class PgStudent : public UgStudent
PgStudent(int rn, string nm, unsigned ag, string sm, double st, double fs)
:UgStudent(rn, nm, ag, sm, st, fs)
PgStudent() {};
int main()
vector<Student> stud;
vector<PgStudent> studPg;
vector<UgStudent> studUg;
unsigned choise{ 4 };
int rn;
string nm;
unsigned ag;
string sm;
double st;
double fs;
cout << "Enter the data of students at least 5 persons" << "\n";
// Entering student data
cout << "Selection numbers for data entry: "<<"\n";
cout << " 1 - Student" << "\n";
cout << " 2 - Student UG" << "\n";
cout << " 3 - Student PG" << "\n";
cout<< " Other number - Complete data entry" << "\n";
cout << "Enter an positive integer to define the type of data entry: ";
cin >> choise;
if (choise > 3)
cout << "Complete data entry" << "\n";
break ;
cout << "Enter Roll Number: ";
cin >> rn;
cout << "Enter Name: ";
cin >> nm;
cout << "Enter Age: ";
cin >> ag;
if (choise == 1)
stud.push_back( Student(rn, nm, ag));
cout << "Enter Semestr: ";
cin >> sm;
cout << "Enter Stipende: ";
cin >> st;
cout << "Enter Fees: ";
cin >> fs;
if (choise == 2)
studUg.push_back( UgStudent(rn, nm, ag, sm, st, fs));
if (choise == 3)
studPg.push_back( PgStudent(rn, nm, ag, sm, st, fs));
} while (true);
// Counting average age
int ageSum ;
ageSum = 0;
if (size(studUg) != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size(studUg); i ++ )
ageSum += studUg[i].age;
double avgUg;
avgUg = ageSum/ (double)size(studUg);
cout << "Average age Ug Student: " << avgUg << "\n";
ageSum = 0;
if (size(studPg) != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size(studPg); i ++ )
ageSum += studPg[i].age;
double avgPg;
avgPg = ageSum / (double)size(studPg);
cout << "Average age Pg Student: " << avgPg << "\n";
return 0;
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