Sample Run 3
Welcome to CS126 Mart!
Item Codes
Description Price
100 Sweet ‘n Ripe Grapes 125.35
101 Crunchy Apples 52.20
109 Green Peas 25.75
Enter Code: 101
Crunchy Apples 52.20
Quantity 1 Total Amount Due: 52.20
Cash: 50.00
Insufficient Cash
Sample Run 4 will be
Enter Code: 101 and will buy Crunchy apples (1 quantity) and will pay (Cash: 1000) and the change will be 947.80 and the program will say "Take care!" at the end
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout<<"Welcome to CS126 Mart!\n";
int item_codes[3] = {100, 101, 109};
string description[3] = {"Sweet 'n Ripe Grapes", "Crunchy Apples", "Green Peas"};
float price[3] = {125.35, 52.20, 25.75};
cout<<setw(10)<<"Item Codes"<<setw(25)<<left<<" Description"<<setw(5)<<"Price\n";
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
cout<<"Enter code: ";
int code; cin>>code;
int i = 0;
case 100: i = 0; break;
case 101: i = 1; break;
case 109: i = 2; break;
default: i = 3; break;
if(i < 3){
cout<<"Quantity 1 Total Amount Due: "<<price[i]<<endl;
cout<<"Cash: ";
float cash; cin>>cash;
if(cash < price[i]){
cout<<"Insufficient Cash";
return -1;
cout<<"Change: "<<cash - price[i]<<endl;
cout<<"Take Care!";
return 0;
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