Create a class employee which stores is name, ID and salary of an employee by user input. The ID should be generated upon the creation of object, starting from 1. Include all the constructors and destructor in the class. Create one object using each of the constructors and display it.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class employee {
employee() {
name = "no name";
employee(string nam) {
name = nam;
employee(float sala) { salary = sala; }
employee(float sal, string nam) { salary = sal; name = nam; }
void set_name(string nam) { name = nam; }
void set_salary(float sal) { salary = sal; }
string get_name() { return name; }
float get_salary() { return salary; }
~employee() { ID = 0; }
static int ID;
string name;
float salary;
int employee::ID = 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
employee W1, W2("John"), W3(2000), W4(2500, "Ithan");
Thank you so much AssignmentExpert
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