#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//A recursive function that solve the puzzle of Towers of Hanoi
void towers_of_hanoi(int number_of_disks, string source_rod, string destination_rod, string auxiliary_rod)
if (number_of_disks == 1)
cout << "Movement of disk 1 from rod " << source_rod << " to rod " << destination_rod<<endl;
towers_of_hanoi(number_of_disks - 1, source_rod, auxiliary_rod, destination_rod);
cout << "Move disk " << number_of_disks << " from rod " << source_rod <<
" to rod " << destination_rod << endl;
towers_of_hanoi(number_of_disks - 1, auxiliary_rod, destination_rod, source_rod);
// Testing code
int main()
int number_of_disks = 4; // Total number of disks
towers_of_hanoi(number_of_disks, "Rod A", "Rod C", "Rod B");
return 0;
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