Write a program that declares a struct to store the data of a baseball player (player’s name, number of home runs, and number of hits). Declare an array of 10 components to store the data of 10 baseball players. Your program must contain a function to input data and a function to output data. Add functions to search the array to find the index of a specific player, and update the data of a player. (You may assume that input data is stored in a file.) Before the program terminates, give the user the option to save data in a file. Your program should be menu driven, giving the user various choice
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Players
char name[20];
int home_runs;
int number_hits;
void displayMenu();
int index(struct Players s[], int size);
void outputData(struct Players st[], int size);
int main(){
struct Players pl[10];
fstream file;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
int choice;
outputData(pl, 10);
else if(choice==2){
cout<<"The player is at position "<<index(pl, 10) + 1<<endl;
else if(choice==3){
int n = index(pl,10);
int hom, run;
cout<<"Enter the player number of home runs\n";
cout<<"Enter the player number of hits\n";
fstream file1;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
file1<<pl[i].name<<" "<<hom<<" "<<run<<endl;
file1<<pl[i].name<<" "<<pl[i].home_runs<<" "<<pl[i].number_hits<<endl;
void outputData(struct Players st[], int size){
cout<<"Displaying information\n";
cout<<"Player Name\t Number of home runs\t Number of hits\n";
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
int index(struct Players p[], int s)
string name1;
cout << "Enter name of player to update: ";
cin >> name1;
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
if (p[i].name == name1)
return i;
return -1;
void displayMenu()
cout << "Select an option to perform" << "\n\n1. Display Information \n2. Search a certain Player";
cout << "\n3. Update player Information and ";
cout << "Save the information to a file: ";
cout << "\n0. Exit" << endl;
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