Assuming we have following variables and values:
int a=5, b=10, c=15, x, y, z;
Write the values of a, b and c variables in file by using formatted file I/O and then read data accordingly from file and assign it to x, y and z variables. Just create objects of relevant classes, there is no need to write entire main function.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  int a=5, b=10, c=15, x, y, z;
  ofstream out ("text.txt");
  out<<"\na= "<<a;
  out<<"\nb= "<<b;
  out<<"\nc= "<<c;
  ifstream in("text.txt");
  string n;
  while (getline (in, n)) {
 // Output the text from the file
  return 0;
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