Topic: Files and Streams
Codes discussed will be posted here. Write your conclusion on the File&stream discussion.
Filename: "Ch5_money.txt"
Given problem:
467343 23750.40
W 250.00
D 1200.00
W 75.00
W 375.00
D 580.00
I 245.50
W 400.00
W 600.00
D 450.50
W 35.65
*Note: Need the proper codes
*Note need proper codes and conclusion on how its done and about the results. And please give the proper solution and explanation.
*Note: Give your conclusion, one paragraph will do. And give a reason why you use that code for this given problem, and based it on File and Stream topics
// ******************************************************
// Program -- Checking Account Balance
// This program calculates a customer's checking account
// balance at the end of the month.
// ******************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const double minimumBalance = 1000.00;
const double serviceCharge = 25.00;
int main()
// Declare and initialize variables
int acctNumber;
double beginningBalance;
double accountBalance;
double amountDeposited = 0.0;
int numberOfDeposits = 0;
double amountWithdrawn = 0.0;
int numberOffWithdrawals = 0;
double interestPaid = 0.0;
char transactionCode;
double transactionAmount;
bool isServiceCharged = false;
ifstream infile;
ofstream outfile;"a:Ch5_money.txt");
if (!infile)
cout << "Cannot open input file" << endl;
cout << "Program terminates!!!" << endl;
return 1;
outfile << fixed << showpoint;
outfile << setprecision(2);
cout << "Processing data" << endl;
infile >> acctNumber >> beginningBalance;
accountBalance = beginningBalance;
infile >> transactionCode >> transactionAmount;
while (infile)
switch (transactionCode) {
case 'D':
case 'd':
accountBalance += transactionAmount;
amountDeposited += transactionAmount;
case 'I':
case 'i':
accountBalance += transactionAmount;
interestPaid += transactionAmount;
case 'W':
case 'w':
accountBalance -= transactionAmount;
amountWithdrawn += transactionAmount;
if ((accountBalance < minimumBalance) && (!isServiceCharged))
accountBalance -= serviceCharge;
isServiceCharged = true;
cout << "Invalid transaction code" << endl;
infile >> transactionCode >> transactionAmount;
outfile << "Account Number: " << acctNumber << endl;
outfile << "Beginning Balance: $" << beginningBalance << endl;
outfile << "Ending Balance: $" << accountBalance << endl << endl;
outfile << "Intersect Paid: $" << interestPaid << endl << endl;
outfile << "Amount Deposited: $" << amountDeposited << endl;
outfile << "Number of Deposits: " << numberOfDeposits << endl << endl;
outfile << "Amount Withdrawn: $" << amountWithdrawn << endl;
outfile << "Number of withdrawals: " << numberOffWithdrawals << endl << endl;
if (isServiceCharged)
outfile << "Service Charge: $" << serviceCharge << endl;
return 0;
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