Suppose that you have a mobile phone. Initially the phone has a net value of 35000/-, it has
been used for 0 Hrs and its battery can last for 12 Hrs. Now after every month the phone is
used for 200 hrs on average and its battery backup time decreases by 4%. After every 4%
decrease in battery backup time, the price decreases by 700/-. You need to write a program by
using the concept of operator overloading to calculate the minimum number of months in
which the battery backup time will become less than or equal to 5 hrs and display the net
value and total hours of use and battery backup time of the mobile phone after those months.
#include <iostream>
class Mobile
void set_limit(double n)
battery_limit = n;
void get_info()
double p = price;
int m = use_month;
double b = battery;
double t = use_time;
while (b > battery_limit)
m += 1;
t += 200;
b = b - b * percent / 100;
p = p - price_dec;
std::cout << "Number of months: " << m << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operating hours: " << t << std::endl;
std::cout << "Phone cost: " << p << std::endl;
std::cout << "Battery life: " << b << std::endl;
friend void operator < (Mobile& mobile, double n);
double price{ 35000 };
double use_time{ 0 };
int use_month = 0;
double battery{ 12 };
double battery_limit{ 0};
double percent{ 4 };
double price_dec{ 700 };
double time_inc{ 200 };
void operator < ( Mobile& mobile, double n)
int main()
Mobile test;
// Overloaded operator call
test < 5;
return 0;
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