Make following classes into code. Write Getter and Setters for all members mentioned in brackets of each class, write Copy Constructor, Constructor and Destructor for each class.
class Car (Make, Model, Type, Passengers, WheelSize, ManualAuto)
class SportsCar (EngineType, Torque, Time_Zeroto60, Acceleration, TopSpeed) inherit SportsCar from Car
class Person (Name, Gender, Age, Nationality, CNIC)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Car{
string Make, Model, Type, ManualAuto;
int Passengers, Wheelsize;
void Set(string make, string model, string type, int passengers, int wheelsize, string manualauto){
Make = make;
Model = model;
Type = type;
Passengers = passengers;
Wheelsize = wheelsize;
ManualAuto = manualauto;
void Get(){
cout<<"Make: "<<Make<<endl;
cout<<"Model: "<<Model<<endl;
cout<<"Type: "<<Type<<endl;
cout<<"Passengers: "<<Passengers<<endl;
cout<<"Wheelsize: "<<Wheelsize<<endl;
cout<<"ManualAuto: "<<ManualAuto<<endl;
Car(Car &other){
this->Model = other.Model;
this->Make = other.Make;
this->Type = other.Type;
this->Passengers = other.Passengers;
this->Wheelsize = other.Wheelsize;
this->ManualAuto = other.ManualAuto;
class SportsCar: public Car{
string EngineType;
float Torque, Time_zeroto60, Acceleration, TopSpeed;
SportsCar(): Car(){}
void Set(string make, string model, string type, int passengers, int wheelsize, string manualauto,
string engineType, float torque, float time_zeroto60, float acceleration, float topSpeed){
Make = make;
Model = model;
Type = type;
Passengers = passengers;
Wheelsize = wheelsize;
ManualAuto = manualauto;
EngineType = engineType;
Torque = torque;
Time_zeroto60 = time_zeroto60;
Acceleration = acceleration;
TopSpeed = topSpeed;
virtual void Get(){
cout<<"Torque: "<<Torque<<endl;
cout<<"Time zero to 60: "<<Time_zeroto60<<endl;
cout<<"Acceleration: "<<Acceleration<<endl;
cout<<"TopSpeed: "<<TopSpeed<<endl;
class SportsCar: public Car{
string EngineType;
float Torque, Time_zeroto60, Acceleration, TopSpeed;
SportsCar(): Car(){}
void Set(string make, string model, string type, int passengers, int wheelsize, string manualauto,
string engineType, float torque, float time_zeroto60, float acceleration, float topSpeed){
Make = make;
Model = model;
Type = type;
Passengers = passengers;
Wheelsize = wheelsize;
ManualAuto = manualauto;
EngineType = engineType;
Torque = torque;
Time_zeroto60 = time_zeroto60;
Acceleration = acceleration;
TopSpeed = topSpeed;
void Get(){
cout<<"Engine Type: "<<EngineType<<endl;
cout<<"Torque: "<<Torque<<endl;
cout<<"Time zero to 60: "<<Time_zeroto60<<endl;
cout<<"Acceleration: "<<Acceleration<<endl;
cout<<"TopSpeed: "<<TopSpeed<<endl;
SportsCar(SportsCar &other){
this->Model = other.Model;
this->Make = other.Make;
this->Type = other.Type;
this->Passengers = other.Passengers;
this->Wheelsize = other.Wheelsize;
this->ManualAuto = other.ManualAuto;
this->EngineType = other.EngineType;
this->Torque = other.Torque;
this->Time_zeroto60 = other.Time_zeroto60;
this->Acceleration = other.Acceleration;
this->TopSpeed = other.TopSpeed;
class Person{
string Name, Nationality;
char Gender;
int Age, CNIC;
void Set(string name, string nationality, int age, int cnic, char gender){
Name = name;
Nationality = nationality;
Age = age;
CNIC = cnic;
Gender = gender;
void Get(){
cout<<"Name: "<<Name<<endl;
cout<<"Age: "<<Age<<endl;
cout<<"Nationality: "<<Nationality<<endl;
cout<<"Gender: "<<Gender<<endl;
cout<<"CNIC: "<<CNIC<<endl;
Person(Person &other){
this->Age = other.Age;
this->Name = other.Name;
this->Nationality = other.Nationality;
this->CNIC = other.CNIC;
this->Gender = other.Gender;
class Driver: public Person{
int Experience, Wincount;
Car *car;
Driver(): Person(){}
void Set(string name, string nationality, int age, int cnic, char gender, Car* ca, int exp, int wnc){
Person::Set(name, nationality, age, cnic, gender);
Experience = exp;
Wincount = wnc;
car = ca;
void Get(){
cout<<"Experience: "<<Experience<<endl;
cout<<"Wincount: "<<Wincount<<endl;
Driver(Driver &other){
this->Age = other.Age;
this->Name = other.Name;
this->Nationality = other.Nationality;
this->CNIC = other.CNIC;
this->Gender = other.Gender;
this->Experience = other.Experience;
this->Wincount = other.Wincount;
this->car =;
delete this->car;
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