Write a program to define a class to input the name of a student and marks of three subjects
(s1, s2, s3), calculate the total marks and average marks in a member function of a class and also
display the output in another member function of a class. Each subject has a maximum of 100
using namespace std;
class student
  string name;
  float s1,s2,s3;
    cout<<"Enter the name of student : ";
      cout<<"Enter marks in first subject : ";
          cout<<"Invalid input marks should be less than 100 ";
          goto s1m;
      cout<<"Enter marks in second subject : ";
          cout<<"Invalid input marks should be less than 100 ";
          goto s2m;
      cout<<"Enter marks in third subject : ";
          cout<<"Invalid input marks should be less than 100 ";
          goto s3m;
  float total_marks()
    float total;
    return total;
  float average_marks()
    float average;
    return average;
  void display()
    cout<<"\nName of student : "<<name;
    cout<<"\nMarks in first subject : "<<s1;
    cout<<"\nMarks in second subject : "<<s2;
    cout<<"\nMarks in third subject : "<<s3;
    cout<<"\nTotal marks = "<<total_marks()<<"/300";
    cout<<"\nAverage marks = "<<average_marks();
int main()
  student s1;
Dear Asif , please post a new question
Write a program to initialize the data members through passing two parameters using a constructor. Calculate their sum and print the output on the screen using a separate member function of a class.
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