Answer to Question #188726 in C++ for Dunga

Question #188726
  1. Create a class named DogCare. Include fields for a dog’s data (using Dog class from question 1), the date (using Date class from question 4), the time (using Time class from question 3) and the duration of the appointment in minutes. Also include a field that contains the ending time of the appointment; this field will be calculated based on the start and the duration using Time class function that adds minutes to a Time object. The DogCare constructor requires dog name, a month, day, year, hour and minute for the appointment. Allow DogCare to be constructed with or without an additional argument for appointment duration, and force the duration to 30 minutes when no argument is supplied. The constructor does not allow any appointment over 240 minutes. The constructor calculates the appointment ending time based on the start time and the duration. Also include a display function for the DogCare class. Write a main() function that loops at least 5 times, prompting the user for DogCare data and displaying all the info
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