Comment this code line by line in simple english
int CD=(pow((float)(points2D[4]-points2D[6]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[5]-points2D[7]),2));
int ACDiagonal=(pow((float)(points2D[0]-points2D[4]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[1]-points2D[5]),2));
return ( ACDiagonal == (AB + BC)) && (ACDiagonal == (AD + CD));
void Output(){
cout<<"\nIt is a rectangle.\n";
cout<<"Area: "<<Area()<<"\n";
cout<<"Length: "<<Length()<<"\n";
cout<<"Height: "<<Height()<<"\n";
cout<<"Perimeter: "<<Perimeter()<<"\n";
cout<<"Diagonal: "<<Diagonal()<<"\n";
cout<<"\nIt is not a rectangle.\n";
float Length(){
return sqrt(pow((float)(points2D[4]-points2D[2]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[5]-points2D[3]),2));
int CD=(pow((float)(points2D[4]-points2D[6]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[5]-points2D[7]),2)); // defining and initializing CD with value: ((4th is element of array points2D - 6th element of array points2D) in 2d power) + ((5th element of array points2D - 7th element of array points2D) in 2d power)
int ACDiagonal=(pow((float)(points2D[0]-points2D[4]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[1]-points2D[5]),2)); // defining and initializing ACDiagonal with value: ((0th element of array points2D - 4th element of array points2D) in 2d power) + (1st element of array points2D - 5th element of array points2D) in 2d power)
return ( ACDiagonal == (AB + BC)) && (ACDiagonal == (AD + CD));
} // returning true if both statements: 1)ACDiagonal equal to AB + BC and 2)ACDiagonal equal to AD + CD, false if one of those statements is false
void Output(){ // function definition
if(IsRectangle()){ // if function IsRectangle() is returning true
cout<<"\nIt is a rectangle.\n"; // print on console from the new string message “It is a rectangle, and again start from new string(\n)
cout<<"Area: "<<Area()<<"\n"; // print on console message “Area: “ and calling function Area(), start from new string
cout<<"Length: "<<Length()<<"\n"; // print on console message “Length: “ and calling function Length() and start from new string
cout<<"Height: "<<Height()<<"\n"; // print on console message “Height: “ and calling function Height() and start from new string
cout<<"Perimeter: "<<Perimeter()<<"\n"; // print on console message “Perimeter: “ and calling function Perimeter() and start from new string
cout<<"Diagonal: "<<Diagonal()<<"\n"; // print on console message “Diagonal: “ and calling function Diagonal() and start from new string
}else{ // if if statement return false it will act this block
cout<<"\nIt is not a rectangle.\n"; // from the new string print to the console “It is not rectangle.” , go to new string
float Length(){ // function Length() definition
return sqrt(pow((float)(points2D[4]-points2D[2]),2)+pow((float)(points2D[5]-points2D[3]),2)); // returning value: (4th element of array points2D - 2d element of array points2D) in 2d power) + (5th element of array points2D - 3d element of array points2D) in 2d power)
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