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include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
float x1=2,y1=3,x2=6,y2=9;
float Dist;
Dist = sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2) + pow(y1-y2,2));
cout<<"\nPoint-1: ("<<x1<<", "<<y1<<")";
cout<<"\nPoint-2: ("<<x2<<", "<<y2<<")";
cout<<"\n\nDistance between the points: "<<Dist;
// using preproccessor directive `include` add code
// from the header iostream
// (contain definition of output/input streams, etc)
// to this compilation unit
#include <iostream>
// using preproccessor directive `include` add code
// from the header cmath
// (contain definition of math stuff like: sqrt, pow, etc )
// to this compilation unit
#include <cmath>
// make all functions/types from namespace std::
// visible in this scope
using namespace std;
// define main function which is entry point of any program
// start main function body
// define 4 single precision floating-point variables on the stack
// They represent 2 2D points: (2, 3), (6, 9)
float x1=2,y1=3,x2=6,y2=9;
// define another float variable to keep distance
float Dist;
// calculate distance between points
// distance = square root of sum in (...)
Dist = sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2) + pow(y1-y2,2));
// print to standard output (it's console here) point1
cout<<"\nPoint-1: ("<<x1<<", "<<y1<<")";
// print to standard output (it's console here) point2
cout<<"\nPoint-2: ("<<x2<<", "<<y2<<")";
// print to standard output distance between points
cout<<"\n\nDistance between the points: "<<Dist;
// return from the function with 0 code
// (which means success of program execution)
// end main fucntion body
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