Q2. Define a class student with static data member and static function:
data members:
static admno integer
static sname 20 character
static totalMarks float
member function:
static Showdata() Function to display all the data members on the screen
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Student {
Student(string name, int regNumber, float marks=0);
string GetName() const {
return name;
int GetRegistrationNumber() const {
return registrationNumber;
float GetMarks() const {
return marks;
void SetMarks(float marks);
void PassExam() const;
static void Showdata();
string name;
int registrationNumber;
float marks;
static int admno;
static char sname[20];
static float totalMarks;
int Student::admno=11111;
char Student::sname[20] = "Jon Snow";
float Student::totalMarks = 0.0;
Student::Student(string name, int regNumber, float marks) :
name(name), registrationNumber(regNumber), marks(marks)
totalMarks += marks;
void Student::Showdata()
cout << "Admno: " << admno << endl;
cout << "Sname: " << sname << endl;
cout << "Total marks: " << totalMarks << endl;
void Student::SetMarks(float marks) {
totalMarks -= this->marks;
this->marks = marks;
totalMarks += this->marks;
void Student::PassExam() const
cout << "The student " << name;
if (totalMarks < 50) {
cout << " has not pass the Exam";
else {
cout << " has pass the Exam with grade ";
string grade;
if (marks > 90)
grade = "A";
else if (marks > 80)
grade = "B";
else if (marks > 70)
grade = "C";
else if (marks > 60)
grade = "D";
grade = "E";
cout << grade;
cout << endl;
int main()
Student st1("Mary Smith", 12345, 45);
Student st2("Bob Brown", 45678, 80);
cout << endl;
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