The program must prompt the user for the price of a phone. Compute the sales tax for this value, and then display the phone price, the dollar amount of the sales tax, and the total charge for this purchase. Sales tax is calculated as 7% of the price of the phone. Total charge is the price plus the sales tax amount.
After all the data has been entered, display a grand total of number of phones sold, and a grand total of all total charges.
This program must use at least two subroutines.
*Program must be typed in BASIC
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim pricePhone As Double = 0
Dim totalPhonesSold As Integer = 0
Dim totalCharges As Double = 0
While pricePhone >= 0
pricePhone = getPrice()
If (pricePhone >= 0) Then
Dim salesTax As Double = getSalesTax(pricePhone)
Dim totalCharge As Double = getTotalCharge(pricePhone, salesTax)
Console.WriteLine("The phone price: {0}", pricePhone.ToString("C"))
Console.WriteLine("The sales tax: {0}", salesTax.ToString("C"))
Console.WriteLine("The total charge: {0}", totalCharge.ToString("C"))
totalPhonesSold += 1
totalCharges += totalCharge
End If
End While
Console.WriteLine("The grand number of phones sold: {0}", totalPhonesSold.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("The grand charge: {0}", totalCharges.ToString("C"))
End Sub
Function getPrice() As Double
Console.Write("Enter the price of the phone (to end loop - enter a negative number): ")
Dim pricePhone As Double = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
Return pricePhone
End Function
Function getSalesTax(ByVal pricePhone As Double) As Double
Return pricePhone * 0.07D
End Function
Function getTotalCharge(ByVal pricePhone As Double, ByVal salesTax As Double) As Double
Return pricePhone + salesTax
End Function
End Module
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