Create a class Account with the following members
protected data members:
integer accno,name as char array ,float balance
public member functions:
empty constructor- It initialize the accno as zero,name as "NIL" and balance as 0.
parameterized constructor-It initialize the class members using input parameters.
copy constructor-It is used to copy the content from one object(received as argument) to another object.
void display()-This function is used to display the details such as accno, name & balance which are separated by a space.
destructor- It display the string "object destruction,".
Main method:
Create an object A1 of type Account(it should call empty constructor).
Get three inputs from user such as accno, name & balance.
Create an object A2 of type Account and pass parameters to parameterized constructor. i.e. A2(accno,name,balance).
Create an object A3 and assign value of object A2 into A3 by using copy constructor.
Finally call display method for objects A1,A2,A3.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Account
Account() {}
Account(int ac, string nm, float bl)
:accno(ac), name(nm), balance(bl)
Account(Account &other):
accno(other.accno), name(,balance(other.balance)
std::cout << " object destruction"<<std::endl;
void display()
cout << "accno " << accno<<" ";
cout << "name " << name << " ";
cout << "balance " << balance << endl;
int accno{ 0 };
string name{"NIL"};
float balance{ 0 };
int main()
Account A1;
int accno_user;
float balance_user;
string name_user;
cout << "Enter accno:" << endl;
cin >> accno_user;
cout << "Enter name:" << endl;
cin >> name_user;
cout << "Enter balance:" << endl;
cin >> balance_user;
Account A2(accno_user, name_user, balance_user);
Account A3(A2);
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