Question 2
2.1 Study the following descriptions and write only the statements to achieve the required
objectives in both algorithm and C++ syntax.
2.1.1 The array called quantity has 20 elements. Write statements that will help in counting
how many of these elements have a value of less than 50. Also determine the sum of
the values that are more than or equal to 50. Display these 2 answers.
2.1.2 The array called itemPrice has 150 elements. Write the statements to determine and
display the highest price. If there is more than one item with this price, the number of
items must also be displayed.
2.1.3Three corresponding arrays of 250 elements each contain the following respectively:
employee number, department and annual salary. Write only the statements to
calculate the monthly salary for each and every employee. The following must be
displayed the department and employee number of every employee who earns more
than R100 000 per annum.
2.1.4 Three corresponding arrays of 250 elements each contain the following respectively:
employee number, department and annual salary. The following must be displayed
the department and employee number as well as the monthly salary of each
employee that must be stored in a fourth parallel array called monSalay.
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