Write a program to calculate the SPI(semester performance index) and CPI(Cumulative Performance Index) of a student taking N courses in a semester. Each course has a specified weight, termed as credit and a student secures a letter grade in that course as per the Grading System.
The Grading System is as follows:
Letter Grade Numerical Grade
A 10
B 9
. .
. .
K 0
Note that the numerical grade can be obtained from the letter grade using arithmetic operations on char type data.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n, a[10], c = 0, i, t;
char B[10];
double sp, s = 0, cp, tt;
cout << "Enter the number of courses: "; cin >> n;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << "grades for the " << i + 1 << " - subject\n";
cout << "Letter Grade: "; cin >> B[i];
cout << "Numerical Grade: "; cin >> a[i];
cin >> tt >> t;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
c = c + a[i];
switch(B[i]) {
case 'A' : s += 10*a[i]; break;
case 'B' : s += 9*a[i]; break;
case 'C' : s += 8*a[i]; break;
case 'D' : s += 7*a[i]; break;
case 'E' : s += 6*a[i]; break;
case 'F' : s += 5*a[i]; break;
case 'G' : s += 4*a[i]; break;
case 'H' : s += 3*a[i]; break;
case 'I' : s += 2*a[i]; break;
case 'J' : s += 1*a[i]; break;
case 'K': s+=0*a[i]; break;
sp = s / c;
cp = (s + tt * t) / (c + t);
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << sp << " " <<cp;
return 0;
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