Using C++ Inheritance, you need to create a game program using C++.
The game specifications are the following:
1. The user has 3 types of player against a monster.
Life = 10 Super
Power = Double attack (1 time)
Damage = Life to 0 if double attack was used
Life = 10 Super
Power = Restore life of warrior (1 time)
Damage = attack / 2 if healing power was used
Life = 10
No super power
2. Every attack of monster cause equal damage to player’s life. Deduct monster’s attack to player’s life
3. Effect of player attack to monster depends on how player attack
4. Player’s super power (master and healer) can only be used once throughout the game.
5. Player with 0 life is not allowed to attack
6. Monster has an initial life of 30
7. The game will continue until monster is defeated or all players are dead.
1. Use inheritance to create the program.
2. Display current life status in the given format (see testcase)
3. Ask user to choose a player ‘m’ for master, ‘h’ for healer and ‘w’ for warrior. If user selects master or healer, ask user if they want use the super power if yes, apply proper attack value to monster else perform a simple attack.
Note: They can only use each super power once. Current life = previous life – attack
4. Generate random number from 1 to 6 as the attack value of both players and monster.
Note: remove srand() on monster attack
5. At the end of a single round, display current status after the attack (see test case)
6. Player with zero life is not allowed to attack thus inform user to choose another player.
Note: if user selects dead player, the round will still be the same.
7. Use looping statement to generate rounds of the game. The program will only terminate if the total life of the team (life of master + life of Healer + life of warrior) is equal or less than zero thus, monster won the game or the life of monster is equal or less than zero.
8. Do not display negative life. If current life is less than 0 after the attack then display zero.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//Base class for all players
class GameCharacter
int initialLife;
bool hasSuperPower = false;
int damage;
int attackVal;
//Attack monster
//Initialize initial life for character
void promptSuperPowerOption()
char superPowerOption;
cout<<"Do you want to user superpower? y-yes, n-no: ";
if(superPowerOption == 'y')
hasSuperPower = true;
else if(superPowerOption == 'n')
hasSuperPower = false;
cout<<"Please enter a valid option"<<endl;
//Check if game character can attack
bool canAttack(int attackPowerToUse)
if(initialLife >= attackPowerToUse)
return true;
return false;
void setSuperPowerOption(bool spPowerOption)
hasSuperPower = spPowerOption;
bool getSuperPowerOption()
return hasSuperPower;
int getAttackPowerUsed()
return attackVal;
void setInitialLife(int lifeToInitialize)
initialLife = lifeToInitialize;
int getInitialLife()
return initialLife;
int playerAttack()
srand((unsigned) time(0));
int attackVal = (rand() % 6) + 1;
return attackVal;
int monsterAttack()
attackVal = rand() % 6 + 1;
return attackVal;
//Deduct player life
void deductLife(int lifeToDeduct)
initialLife -= lifeToDeduct;
int getCurrentLife()
return initialLife;
void setHasSuperPower(bool characterSuperPowerStatus)
hasSuperPower = characterSuperPowerStatus;
class Master: public GameCharacter
int superPower;
//Healer player class
class Healer: public GameCharacter
int superPower;
//Warrior player class
class Warrior: public GameCharacter
class Monster: public GameCharacter
int main()
char playerChoice;
char superPowerOption;
bool useSuperPower;
int round = 1;
//Create the game objects and init their values
Monster monster;
//Master player
Master master;
master.superPower = 1;
//Healer player
Healer healer;
healer.superPower = 1;
//Warrior player
Warrior warrior;
//Total life
int totalLife = 30;
//If monster is not dead
while(monster.getInitialLife() > 0 | totalLife > 0 )
cout<<"Round "<<round<<endl;
//Prompt user to choose a player
cout<<"Player Selection Menu"<<endl;
cout<<"m - master \nh- healer \nw-warrior "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter a letter to select the player:";
//If player choice is master and the master has enough life to attack
if(playerChoice == 'm')
cout<<"You have selected master as your player.";
//prompt user for superpower option
//If master can attack based on current life
for( int i = 1; i < master.getCurrentLife(); i++)
//Attack monster
cout<<"Master attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct master life based on master attack
cout<<"Attack power used by master: "<<master.playerAttack()<<endl;
//Deduct total life
totalLife -= master.playerAttack();
cout<<"Master current life: "<<master.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct monster life based on master attack
cout<<"Attack power used by monster: "<<monster.monsterAttack()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster current life: "<<monster.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
cout<<"Moster is dead."<<endl;
while(master.getSuperPowerOption() == true)
cout<<"Dead...Restoring Superpower Life"<<endl;
//Add to total life
totalLife += 10;
//Restore life and set super power option to false to not renew again
cout<<"Healer is dead. Select another player."<<endl;
if(playerChoice == 'h')
cout<<"You have chosen healer. ";
//prompt user for superpower option
//If uses superpower
if(healer.canAttack(healer.getCurrentLife()) )
for( int i = 0; i < healer.getCurrentLife(); i++)
//Attack monster
cout<<"Healer attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct healer life based on healer attack
cout<<"Attack power used by healer: "<<healer.playerAttack()<<endl;
//Deduct total life
totalLife -= healer.playerAttack();
cout<<"Healer current life: "<<healer.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct monster life based on healer attack
cout<<"Attack power used by monster: "<<monster.monsterAttack()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster current life: "<<monster.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
while(healer.getSuperPowerOption() == true)
cout<<"Dead...Restoring Superpower Life"<<endl;
cout<<"Healer is dead. Select another player."<<endl;
if(playerChoice == 'w')
cout<<"You have chosen warrior. ";
//prompt user for superpower option
if( warrior.canAttack(warrior.getCurrentLife()))
for( int i = 0; i < warrior.getCurrentLife(); i++)
//Attack monster
cout<<"Healer attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct warrior life based on warrior attack
cout<<"Attack power used by healer: "<<warrior.playerAttack()<<endl;
totalLife -= warrior.playerAttack();
cout<<"Master current life: "<<warrior.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster attacking..."<<endl;
//Deduct monster life based on warrior attack
cout<<"Attack power used by monster: "<<monster.monsterAttack()<<endl;
cout<<"Monster current life: " <<monster.getCurrentLife()<<endl;
cout<<"Warrior is dead. Select another player."<<endl;
round += 1;
//Output reason for game over
if(monster.getInitialLife() <= 0)
cout<<"+++++GAME OVER+++++"<<endl;
cout<<"Monster Eliminated"<<endl;
else if(master.getInitialLife() <= 0 && healer.getInitialLife() <= 0 && warrior.getInitialLife() <= 0)
cout<<"+++++GAME OVER+++++"<<endl;
cout<<"All players eliminated"<<endl;
return 0;
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