Elaborate in detail the transition strategies from the IPv4 to the IPv6 with the help of a
suitable example
Notably, it can be impossible to perform a complete IPv4 to IPv6 due to the fact that does not allow backward compatibility. However, this challenge can be overcome by utilizing some technologies that have the ability to ensure smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6. These technologies include:
Dual Stack Routers - are routers installed with address configurations of both IPv4 and IPv6 on the interfaces pointing to the relevant IP scheme network. As a result, the dual stack router communicates with both networks by providing a medium used by hosts to access the servers without requiring changes to their respective IP versions.
Tunneling – this involves a tunnel in which the user’s data passes through a non-supported IP version. In this scenario, IPv4 networks can communicate through a tunnel where IPv6 is the transit network and vice versa.
NAT Protocol Translation – this transition method uses an enabled NATP-PT device and the actual transition occurs between IPv4 and IPv6 packets and vice versa. In this case, when an IPv4 address sends a request to an IPv6 server, the   NAPT-PT device helps the communication. The NAPT-PT device opens the IPv4 packet, removing the IPv4 header and adding IPv6 header hence passing it through the network.
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