Discuss one Input-Output communication technique that is used
in a computer system; and outline the steps involved
The programmed input-output method doesn’t have access memory that is accessed directly. In the direct access memory, the data is transformed in the microprocessor and interrupted waits for a signal from the system. In data execution one should fetch the guidelines, the instructions should be decoded, evaluation of the address, fetching of the operands, and later execution of the data.
The interface is the means by which a user communicates with a system, whether to get it to perform some function or computation directly (e.g., compute a trajectory, change a word in a text file, display a video); to find and deliver information (e.g., getting a paper from the Web or information from a database); or to provide ways of interacting with other people (e.g., participate in a chat group, send e-mail, jointly edit a document). As a communications vehicle, interfaces can be assessed and compared in terms of three key dimensions: (1) the language(s) they use, (2) the ways in which they allow users to say things in the language(s), and (3) the surface(s) or device(s) used to produce output (or register input) expressions of the language. The design and implementation of an interface entail choosing (or designing) the language for communication, specifying the ways in which users may express ''statements" of that language (e.g., by typing words or by pointing at icons), and selecting device(s) that allow communication to be realized-the input/output devices.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 1997. More Than Screen Deep: Toward Every-Citizen Interfaces to the Nation's Information Infrastructure. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/5780.
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