Let we have 8 nodes in the network. Compare the network performance with different connectivity device's like repeater, hubs, switches, router, bridges and gateway.
It operates in the physical layer which is responsible for regenerating the signal and ensuring it is weakened.
It's core function is a multiport repeater. It also diverges several wires coming from different destinations.
its is a multiport bridge with buffer and has a data link layer that can perform error checking before transferring data.
The function of the router is to route data packages on their IP addresses. It mainly connects LANs and WANs together. they also broadcasts the host domains connected through it
A bridge operates at the data link layer. A bridge is a repeater, with add on the functionality of filtering content by reading the MAC addresses of source and destination
A gateway, as the name suggests, is a passage to connect two networks together that may work upon different networking models.
Gateways are generally more complex than switches or routers. Gateway is also called a protocol converter.
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