Given an IP address, network mask, and subnetwork mask, determine other information and implement it about the IP address such as:
i. The subnet address of this subnet.
ii. The broadcast address of this subnet.
iii. The range of host addresses for this subnet.
iv. The maximum number of subnets for this subnet mask.
v. The number of hosts for each subnet.
vi. The number of subnet bits.
vii. The number of this subnet.
Subnet addressing allows an autonomous system made up of multiple networks to share the same Internet address
The broadcast address of this subnet is the last address in the subnet
first address of subnet is network address, last address is broadcast address, all other are host addresses
To calculate the number of possible subnets, use the formula 2n, where n equals the number of host bits borrowed.
The number of hosts for each subnet:
where n is number of hosts bits
Subnet masks, like the IP address itself, are 32 bits in length. Subnet masks are composed of some number of 1 bits followed by enough 0 bits to form a 32-bit value, where the bit positions with a 1 correspond subnet address
number of subnet binary expression in IP address that corresponds to positions of 1s in subnet mask
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