Using a short description and give one example of each of the following areas of cyber security : cybercrime, cyber harassment or bullying , cyber warfare, cyber surveillance , what makes cyber security difficult
Expert's answer
Cybercrime are activities carried out to target a computer or network devices example are phishing that is using fake mail messages to get information from internet users.
Cyber harassment or bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person by sending messages of intimidating or threatening example is impersonation or harassments.
Cyber warfare is the attack made by a nation state to attack another nations computers information or information networks. Example include computer viruses and Denial-Of-Service.
Cyber surveillance is when a person uses smart connected devices that communicate through a data network to monitor people or places eg the intelligence and law enforcement authorities surreptitiously monitoring data over the internet.
IoT devices has become popular and many. As the adoption of IoT devices is increasing at an unprecedented rate, so gaining access to these devices can open the doors for other malicious attacks for example the phishing, cloud security and software vulnerabilities are the challenges of Cyber Security.
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