can store large amount of data on a single device thus reducing paperwork for the same amount of work.
Processes information faster than a human being would do for the same amount of work thus saving time.
It is time-efficient as one can populate, sort ,search and record large amounts of data in a short amount of time.
Reduces the amount of labor required to do a single task that would require more man power to do the same task.
Aids in automation of redundant tasks thus reducing monotony and also save time.
Demerits of a computer
Power loss would interrupt most operations as computers rely heavily on electricity.
Health issues- too much computer time can lead to poor eyesight, poor posture, lower back aches that would leave to severe pain if not checked early.
Most of computer data is vulnerable to cyber attacks compared to paper work. Malicious programs like viruses might corrupt data thus halting operations.
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