Specify the characteristics of the following popular WLAN transmission methods: a) 802.11 a b) 802.11 b c) 802.11 g d) 802.11 n e) 802.11 ac
802.11a protocol has data transfer speed up to 54 Mbps within the 5 GHz frequency range. Signal has transmission range from 25 to 75 feet indoors and has difficulties penetrating walls and other obstacles.
802.11b protocol supports data transfer speed up to 11 Mbps within the 2.4 GHz frequency. Signal has transmission range up to 150 feet indoors and has lesser difficulties penetrating walls and obstacles as 802.11a protocol.
802.11g protocol supports data transfer speed up to 52 Mbps within the 2.4 GHz frequency. Signal has transmission range up to 150 feet indoors.
802.11n protocol supports data transfer speed up to 600 Mbps within the 2.4 GHz/5 GHz frequencies. Signal has transmission range 175+ feet indoors.
802.11ac protocol support data transfer speed up to 1300 Mbps within the 5 GHz frequency. Signal has transmission range 175+ feet indoors.
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