Operating systems have substantially evolved over the years (from serial
processing systems to today’s robust time-sharing, multiprocessing and
real-time systems).
(i). Discuss the reasons why you consider modern operating systems to
be better, more robust and more efficient than the earlier ones.
(ii). Discuss, in detail, reasons why an operating system is considered as
a resource manager; and explain how it manages the various
resources in the context of computer-based information systems
in use at a financial institution like Access Bank.
(iii). Data coherence problem and starvation cause a lot of havoc in
computer systems. As an Operating System designer and/or
developer, you are required to do the following:
(α)…Distinguish between data coherence problem and
starvation in the context of concurrency in operating
systems. Give practical examples to illustrate your answer.
(β).…Discuss how the two problems in (α) can be solved in
computer systems.
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