possible threats and precautionary measures for theft and mysterious disappearance of accounts data at an institution
The human error leading to unintentional deletion of data files or sections of text. Human error can be prevented by; data handler is proper training, back up the organization's file, and automation systems.
Virus and malware can steal and delete swaths of data or bring business operations to a crawl, destroying company functionality. Guard against malware with appropriate anti-virus software and keep them updated.
Laptop or computer theft if left unattended. This can be prevented by ensuring that crucial data stored on laptops is backed up to a safe location. For computers in your office building, ensure that they are kept in locked rooms that only employees authorized to use them have access to.
Hard drive damage dues to mishandling or human misuse.To prevent hard drive malfunctions, be sure to work with your device appropriately and keep your computer away from excessive dust. You can also ensure that a random malfunction doesn’t destroy your data by regularly backing up your hard drive on an external drive or cloud server.
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