Consider L4 = {<G> | G is a graph containing a route that visits each vertex exactly once}. L4 is not known to be in P.
Show a high-level description of a TM that decides L4 in nondeterministic polynomial time. Show your time complexity analysis of the TM.
Let M be the non-deterministic Turing machine.
The running time of M be "w\\epsilon \\Sigma^*"
The length of the shortest sequence of moves accepting w if "w\\epsilon L(M)"
1 if "w\\notin L(M)"
"T_M(n)= max(m|\\exists w\\in \\Sigma^*,|w| =n)" such that the running time of M on w is m
The complexity of the NP class is the class of languages accepted by a polynomial non-deterministic turing machine.
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