How big of a role do green issues such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint, garbage, waste, water, space and transit play in the value proportion that you pitch to prospective customers when they are looking at upgrading their data centre?
The greenhouse issue are plying the vital role in the installation and upgrade of the data centers which becomes the important factor for the society to save the planet and the environment system.
Data-centers uses very high power than the actual required power because the system is not so efficient to manage this losses. And there may be due to the financial lack due to which companies may used the poor quality cooling servers.
By blocking the open cable ports, turning off computers, turning of computers which are not in use along with the server which are not performing any task also removing the blockage of the cables which prevents the flow of air.
I'm so grateful for the best answers i obtained here , they are so helpful and I'll continue to use it as I'm studying. Thanks a lot
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